Friday, September 20, 2013

Bad Move (Zack Walker #1) by Linwood Barclay

Bad MoveBad Move by Linwood Barclay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the most entertaining book I have read in awhile. It was full of dry humour and is written in what I call "Canadian Speak" Zack Walker is a Science Fiction novel writer. He is always very worried about safety and goes to great lengths to make sure his family is safe, even if it means faking accidents to prove his point.

One day he was shopping with his wife and noticed that she left her purse in the buggy. He decided to teach her a lesson by taking her purse but it started a whole chain reaction that was very scary, but also tinged with light humour.

There are many funny phrases throughout the book. Example: "Yeah, she's in the hospital. He was going to go see her as soon as he closed up the shop."

"Is she having an operation? A hysterectomy? Is it cancer?"

For a writer, I was having a hard time making this up as I went along. The black puddle on the concrete garage floor was getting larger, every so slowly.

"I think it's some sort of an injury. She might have fallen."

Sarah was thinking. "So it's a female thing, but it might be an injury. What did she do, Zack? Fall on her uterus?"

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