Saturday, February 11, 2017

Review: Friction

Friction Friction by Sandra Brown
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Crawford Hunt is a Texas Ranger whose wife has died. He has a little five year old girl, Georgia, who has been living temporarily with her maternal grandparents while Crawford gets himself straight and assembles a home for his daughter. His life is complicated more because his inlaws don't believe that he is capable of rearing this little girl.

During the custody hearing, a gunman comes into the courtroom, shooting and killing the deputy on duty. Crawford runs up and is able to get the judge, Holly, onto the floor and protect her from the shooting.

There are many twists and turns in the story and I did enjoy it. There were sexual scenes that I felt were inappropriate and didn't add to the story plus were probably unnecessary. I admit that it is just my opinion.

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