Thursday, February 23, 2017

Review: The Other Daughter

The Other Daughter The Other Daughter by Lisa Gardner
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I have enjoyed every book that I have read from this author so far, but I did have a hard time with this one.

Twenty or so years ago, on the very same night as a serial killer was executed, a nine year old girl was found at a hospital. She had no memory of who she was or where she came from. Coincidentally, Dr. Harper Stokes was in the hospital at the time and eventually adopted the girl and named her Melanie.

This little girl rounded out his family because their own little girl had been murdered by the serial killer that had been executed.

The story just became convoluted and the characters just didn't seem real. One example of this is that a 29 year old woman is still living at home and under the thumb of her parents, especially her father. Things like saying to her, why were you out so late young lady, and that sort of thing. The family appears to be sickeningly sweet and that makes me very suspicious.

There were too many things happening and too much jumping around, but especially the story was too unbelievable.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Review: The Bookshop on the Corner

The Bookshop on the Corner The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was such a lovely read, or I should say audiobook listen. I do love audio books set in Scotland ever since I listened to Letters From Sky.

Nina is a librarian in Birmingham England who is about to lose her beloved job. The cutbacks are horrendous and libraries are closing and there doesn't seem to be a need for books since the cellphone generation began.

She has been bringing books home from work for months in order to "save" them and found herself in trouble with her landlord/flatmate/friend. She told her flat out that she has to remove the books before the ceiling caves in.

Nina has a little plan in the back of her mind that seems to be her only option at the moment which is to somehow get a van big enough to have a mobile books store.

This is where the adventure begins and I will not spoil the story by laying it all out here.

It was a very sweet story, probably predictable in some ways but very enjoyable nonetheless. I listened in just a couple of sittings and it was great.

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Monday, February 20, 2017

Review: X

X X by Sue Grafton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a wonderful ride listening to this book is. The audiobook is great and I love the way the author describes in detail even the little things that we all experience every day. It makes you feel like you are right there in the book.

A simple request to find a child that was given up for adoption years before opens the story. Also, Ruth who was married to Pete who recently died and was a PI and a friend of Kinsey, are the opening mysteries. Pete left a package to be returned to Alice, whose mother had died at a very young age and Kinsey offers to help Ruth clear up the open jobs in his office. Throw in an old death/murder, some missing young girls and a pair of aging squatters and we have quite a madcap experience.

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this book and I always wonder why this is only the second book I have read from this author. I just love them.

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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Review: You Know Who I Am

You Know Who I Am You Know Who I Am by Diane Patterson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Drusilla is a magician's assistant, the magician being her husband, Colin. When Colin is found dead after leaving her, she begins an investigation to discover who murdered him and why.

As the story unfolds we learn that Drusilla is caring for her sister, or half sister, Stevie who is very intelligent yet emotionally unstable. Something terrible happened in their past that sent them on the run for the past eleven years.

There are a few women who are suspects to the murder and a bit of blackmail is involved as well.

A very enjoyable who done it. I would like to read more Drusilla stories.

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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Review: Friction

Friction Friction by Sandra Brown
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Crawford Hunt is a Texas Ranger whose wife has died. He has a little five year old girl, Georgia, who has been living temporarily with her maternal grandparents while Crawford gets himself straight and assembles a home for his daughter. His life is complicated more because his inlaws don't believe that he is capable of rearing this little girl.

During the custody hearing, a gunman comes into the courtroom, shooting and killing the deputy on duty. Crawford runs up and is able to get the judge, Holly, onto the floor and protect her from the shooting.

There are many twists and turns in the story and I did enjoy it. There were sexual scenes that I felt were inappropriate and didn't add to the story plus were probably unnecessary. I admit that it is just my opinion.

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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Review: Exit Strategy

Exit Strategy Exit Strategy by Kelley Armstrong
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3 1/2 stars.
What a ride this book was. Right off the mark you were held and always the question was, what happens next.

Nadia owns a B & B hunting lodge place just north of Peterborough Ontario, and is a former police officer. Something happened in her past that initiated her retirement from the force and she is now enjoying her business and living in the wilderness.

She is a highly skilled and trained in the pursuit of the very worst type of criminals so it was probably in the cards that she would get offers to do jobs on the opposite side of the law, specifically hit jobs on the other side of the border. She knows how to get in, get the job done, and get out without anyone knowing she was even there.

Put that together with the fact that she requires some capital to help her business along and you can see how this could be a very eventful story.

A very enjoyable read and I will be looking for more books from this author.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Review: A Great Reckoning

A Great Reckoning A Great Reckoning by Louise Penny
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another wonderful episode from Louise Penny. Inspector Gamache has come out of retirement to become the head of the police academy and especially in order to clean up the corruption.

The story opens with the discovery of an old map that was found in the walls of one of the old buildings and is given to the inspector. It appears that it is an early map of Three Pines. He gives copies of the map to four of the cadets and asks them to launch an investigation into the map.

A thoroughly satisfying read. Visiting Inspector Gamache is always a pleasure and knowing that he has recovered now and feeling fit was wonderful.

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Review: Hit & Mrs.

Hit & Mrs. by Lesley Crewe My rating: 4 of 5 stars Linda, Bette, Gemma, and Augusta are four ...