Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Review: Before She Knew Him

Before She Knew Him Before She Knew Him by Peter Swanson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Peter Swanson, where have you been! I love murder/mystery/legal stories and add a bit of creepy and I am a happy camper.

A couple, Hen and Lloyd, have moved to a new area and their neighbours, Matthew and Mira, invited them to visit and become acquainted. The ladies seemed to hit it off, but the fellows didn't quite see eye to eye. When Mira shows the new couple through their house, Hen notices something very disturbing in Matthew's office. It's a trophy that appears out of place to her. She seems to recognize it.

Hen is an artist and has a studio nearby where she enjoys her days working on artwork for publishers while Lloyd works in business. Matthew is a teacher and Mira works in sales.

Hen has an illness, bipolar, and requires medication daily. Because of her illness, people often don't take her concerns seriously. In this case it was a big mistake.

An excellent read.

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