Friday, August 3, 2018

Review: How the Light Gets In

How the Light Gets In How the Light Gets In by Louise Penny
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this series and the audio versions are spectacular. There is a murder of a woman as she is planning to travel to Three Pines in northern Quebec. It turns out the murdered woman was the last of the remaining quintuplets that were born during the depression in Canada.

The story of the quintuplets is very close to the actual Dionne quintuplets that were born during the depression here in Canada. I have visited the original cabin where the quints were born which is now in North Bay Ontario and learned the true history of the family.

As usual you just get all caught up in the day to day activities of Three Pines. It is not my intention to give away the story but if you are an Inspector Gamache fan, you will not be disappointed in this episode.

An excellent read.

View all my reviews

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