Saturday, November 17, 2018

Review: Up and Down

Up and Down Up and Down by Terry Fallis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A real page turner. New PR executive David has left his high powered job in Ottawa and has returned to Toronto to help his sister care for their ill mother. In his first assignment at his new firm, which is to help the space program to get people interested again, he blurts out a "sort of" hairbrained idea. His brain wave was that they should have a contest and the winners, one American and one Canadian, would go on a trip to the space station.

When the winners are chosen, the American seems a good choice but the Canadian doesn't fit into the image they have of an appropriate astronaut. Its an elderly woman who lives in the wilderness in northern BC and is also a flying doctor.

Terrific story with something for everyone.

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