Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Liar by Jennifer Wells

The Liar: A gripping story of dangerous obsessionThe Liar: A gripping story of dangerous obsession by Jennifer Wells
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Who could have anticipated the twists and turns involved in a simple story of a woman in 1926 who lost her baby in the first few hours of its life.

Emma is married to a doctor, who is a nice enough fellow but the marriage seems loveless and lifeless. She can't move on from the loss of her child nine years previous. Unfortunately some very unsavory characters clue in to her obsession with her dead baby. These characters devise a plot to extort money from her while leading her to believe that her baby lived.

For the first half of the book I really had no idea how this story was going to unfold and I could never have predicted it. So unlike many reviewers who say that they could already tell "who done it", this was not the case with this book.

A well thought out plot and an intriguing read.

View all my reviews

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