Sunday, February 14, 2021

Review: Kinfolk

Kinfolk Kinfolk by Pearl S. Buck
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An absolutely absorbing family story. A Chinese/American first generation family living in New York. Two of the children were born in China and the other two were born in the US. The older two have visions of returning to their homeland and to work and help the people in their country.  James is a doctor and his sister Mary is a teacher. 

It is the type of book that you give yourself over to and just let it happen. I especially love the pace of the book which was neither too fast nor slow, if that makes any sense. With the Pearl Buck novels that I have read so far, you just get a feeling of life and living. Nothing big and wild, but just the day to day pace of a people.

Just loved this book. 

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